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Understanding SQL Server Endpoints

As a database administrator or SQL professional, you understand the significance of efficient data management. SQL Server is a stalwart in the realm of database technology, and one of its critical components is the endpoint – an interface through which your SQL Server instance communicates with the outside world.

In this extensive guide, we’re diving deep into the universe of SQL Server endpoints, aiming to equip you with the knowledge to leverage this feature to its full potential. We’ll explore the definition, purpose, creation, configuration, and types of endpoints, as well as their management, security, and use cases. Let’s embark on this journey into the heart of SQL Server’s connectivity.

The Basics: What Exactly Are SQL Server Endpoints?

To start our exploration, let’s dissect what an endpoint is in the context of SQL Server. Fundamentally, an endpoint is a point of interaction between different computing platforms/application environments. It defines the communication protocol for service endpoints. They enable SQL Server to communicate with other systems, database servers or clients over ports that you open on a firewall.

The Purpose of SQL Server Endpoints

Endpoints are crucial in setting up and managing communication channels between SQL Server services and other applications or network services. They essentially serve as doors into and out of SQL Server, each with a predefined type and characteristics tailored to different usage scenarios.

The Different Types of Endpoints

SQL Server supports various endpoint types, each designed for specific communication requirements:

T-SQL Endpoints

Service Broker Endpoints

Database Mirroring Endpoints

CLR Integration Endpoints

HTTP Endpoints

SOAP Endpoints

TCP/IP Endpoints

Now, let’s take a closer look at these different endpoint types.

Endpoint Types: Diving Deeper into the SQL Server World

SQL Server offers multiple types of endpoints, catering to a wide range of interaction scenarios. Let’s break them down:

T-SQL Endpoints

T-SQL Endpoints in SQL Server provide a way to expose SQL Server services over a network connection. They are primarily used for communication between SQL Server instances or between SQL Server and external applications. Here’s an overview of T-SQL Endpoints with examples:

Definition: T-SQL Endpoints are objects in SQL Server that represent network endpoints for communication protocols such as TCP/IP, named pipes, or HTTP.

Purpose: T-SQL Endpoints allow SQL Server instances to listen for incoming connections and provide services to clients or other SQL Server instances over a network.

Types of T-SQL Endpoints:

Database Mirroring Endpoints: Used for communication between database mirroring partners.

Service Broker Endpoints: Used for communication between Service Broker services.

HTTP Endpoints: Used for exposing SQL Server data as web services over HTTP.

TCP/IP Endpoints: Used for communication over TCP/IP protocol.

Creating T-SQL Endpoints:

-- Example: Creating a TCP/IP Endpoint
    AS TCP (LISTENER_PORT = 1433); 

— Example: Creating a TCP/IP Endpoint CREATE ENDPOINT MyTcpEndpoint STATE = STARTED AS TCP (LISTENER_PORT = 1433);

Configuring T-SQL Endpoints:

Specifying the network protocol (TCP/IP, named pipes, etc.).

Configuring endpoint properties such as listener port, authentication mode, and encryption settings.

Securing T-SQL Endpoints:

Using endpoint permissions to control access.

Configuring encryption and authentication settings to ensure secure communication.

Monitoring T-SQL Endpoints:

Monitoring endpoint status and activity using dynamic management views (DMVs) like sys.endpoints.

Using SQL Server Profiler or Extended Events to capture endpoint-related events and activity.

Example Use Case: Exposing SQL Server data as a web service over HTTP:

-- Create HTTP Endpoint
    AS HTTP (
        PATH = '/MyService',
        PORTS = (CLEAR)
    FOR SOAP (
        WEBMETHOD 'MyMethod' (NAME='dbo.MyMethod')

T-SQL Endpoints provide a flexible and powerful mechanism for enabling communication between SQL Server instances and external applications or services. However, they require careful configuration and management to ensure security and performance.

Service Broker Endpoints

Service Broker Endpoints in SQL Server are special types of T-SQL Endpoints that facilitate communication between Service Broker services. Service Broker is a messaging framework built into SQL Server for building asynchronous, reliable, and distributed applications. Service Broker Endpoints enable Service Broker services to communicate with each other over the network.

Here’s an overview of Service Broker Endpoints and how they are used:

Definition: Service Broker Endpoints are T-SQL Endpoints specifically used for communication between Service Broker services.

Purpose: Service Broker Endpoints allow Service Broker-enabled databases to send and receive messages asynchronously over a network, facilitating communication between different SQL Server instances or databases.

Creating Service Broker Endpoints:

-- Example: Creating a Service Broker Endpoint
CREATE ENDPOINT MyServiceBrokerEndpoint
    AS TCP (LISTENER_PORT = 4022);

This creates a TCP/IP Endpoint named MyServiceBrokerEndpoint that listens on port 4022.

Configuring Service Broker Endpoints:

Specifying the network protocol and listener port.

Configuring authentication, encryption, and other endpoint properties.

Service Broker Activation: Service Broker Endpoints can be configured to automatically activate Service Broker services when a message is received. This allows for on-demand processing of messages without the need for continuous polling.

Example Use Case: Setting up a Service Broker Endpoint for communication between two Service Broker-enabled databases:

-- Create Service Broker Endpoint
CREATE ENDPOINT MyServiceBrokerEndpoint
    AS TCP (LISTENER_PORT = 4022);

-- Enable Service Broker on the Database

-- Create a Queue and Service

Once the Service Broker Endpoint is created and enabled, Service Broker services within the databases can send messages to each other using the defined queues and services.

Service Broker Endpoints play a crucial role in enabling asynchronous and reliable messaging between Service Broker services, allowing for scalable and distributed application architectures within SQL Server.

Database Mirroring Endpoints

Database Mirroring Endpoints in SQL Server are special types of T-SQL Endpoints used for communication between database mirroring partners. Database mirroring is a high-availability and disaster recovery solution in SQL Server that involves creating a standby copy (mirror) of a database on a separate instance.

Here’s an overview of Database Mirroring Endpoints and how to configure them with T-SQL:

Definition: Database Mirroring Endpoints are T-SQL Endpoints specifically used for communication between the principal and mirror databases in a database mirroring session.

Purpose: Database Mirroring Endpoints facilitate the transfer of transaction log records between the principal and mirror databases, ensuring that changes made to the principal database are replicated to the mirror database in real-time.

Creating Database Mirroring Endpoints:

-- Example: Creating a Database Mirroring Endpoint
CREATE ENDPOINT MyMirroringEndpoint
    AS TCP (LISTENER_PORT = 5022);

This creates a TCP/IP Endpoint named MyMirroringEndpoint that listens on port 5022.

Configuring Database Mirroring Endpoints:

Specifying the network protocol and listener port.

Configuring authentication, encryption, and other endpoint properties.

Enabling Database Mirroring: Once the Database Mirroring Endpoint is created, you need to configure database mirroring on the participating databases. This involves:

Setting the database mirroring role (principal or mirror) for each database.

Specifying the partner server instance and the mirroring endpoint for communication.

-- Example: Setting up database mirroring
ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET PARTNER = 'TCP://MirrorServer:5022';

Replace MirrorServer with the name of the server instance hosting the mirror database and 5022 with the port number of the mirroring endpoint on that instance.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting:

Use dynamic management views (DMVs) and system views to monitor the status and performance of database mirroring sessions.

Monitor the status of the Database Mirroring Endpoint to ensure that it is running and accessible.

Database Mirroring Endpoints play a critical role in maintaining synchronization between principal and mirror databases in a database mirroring session, ensuring high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server databases.

CLR Integration Endpoints

Enable communication between CLR objects and SQL Server, allowing for .NET assemblies’ functionality to be included in T-SQL code.

HTTP Endpoints

CLR Integration Endpoints in SQL Server enable communication between SQL Server and external .NET Framework code. CLR (Common Language Runtime) Integration allows developers to create and execute .NET code within SQL Server, extending the capabilities of T-SQL by leveraging the power and flexibility of the .NET Framework.

Here’s an overview of CLR Integration Endpoints:

Definition: CLR Integration Endpoints are T-SQL Endpoints used for communication between SQL Server and CLR assemblies containing .NET code.

Purpose: CLR Integration allows developers to write stored procedures, functions, triggers, and user-defined types (UDTs) in .NET languages such as C# or VB.NET, and execute them within SQL Server. CLR Integration Endpoints facilitate the execution of CLR code within the SQL Server process.

Creating CLR Integration Endpoints: CLR Integration Endpoints are automatically created and managed by SQL Server when CLR Integration is enabled at the database level. To enable CLR Integration, you can use the sp_configure stored procedure to set the clr enabled option to 1:

-- Enable CLR Integration
EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1;

Once CLR Integration is enabled, SQL Server automatically creates the necessary CLR Integration Endpoint to allow communication between SQL Server and CLR assemblies.

Configuring CLR Integration Endpoints:

CLR Integration Endpoints are configured and managed by SQL Server internally, and there are no explicit configuration options for developers or administrators.

Developers configure CLR Integration at the database level by enabling CLR Integration and deploying CLR assemblies containing .NET code.

Using CLR Integration Endpoints:

Developers create and deploy CLR assemblies containing .NET code to SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Visual Studio.

Once deployed, CLR code can be executed within SQL Server by calling CLR stored procedures, functions, triggers, or UDT methods just like regular T-SQL objects.

Security Considerations:

CLR Integration introduces security considerations, as CLR code executes within the SQL Server process and can potentially access resources outside of the database.

SQL erver provides mechanisms for controlling and securing CLR Integration, including setting permissions on assemblies, controlling access to external resources, and using code access security (CAS).

CLR Integration Endpoints provide a powerful mechanism for extending the functionality of SQL Server by enabling the execution of .NET code within the database engine. However, developers should carefully consider security implications and best practices when using CLR Integration in SQL Server.

SOAP Endpoints

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Endpoints in SQL Server provide a way to expose SQL Server stored procedures as web services over HTTP. SOAP is a protocol for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services, and SOAP Endpoints enable SQL Server to act as a web service provider, allowing clients to invoke stored procedures remotely using SOAP messages.

Here’s an overview of SOAP Endpoints in SQL Server:

Definition: SOAP Endpoints are T-SQL Endpoints that allow SQL Server to receive SOAP requests over HTTP and execute stored procedures in response to those requests.

Purpose: SOAP Endpoints enable integration between SQL Server and external applications or services by exposing SQL Server stored procedures as web services. This allows clients to invoke SQL Server functionality remotely using SOAP messages.

Creating SOAP Endpoints: SOAP Endpoints are created using T-SQL statements in SQL Server. Here’s an example of how to create a SOAP Endpoint:


This creates a SOAP Endpoint named MySoapEndpoint that listens on the specified HTTP path /MyService. It exposes the stored procedure dbo.MyStoredProc as a web method named MyMethod.

Configuring SOAP Endpoints:

Specifying the network protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).

Configuring authentication, encryption, and other endpoint properties.

Mapping stored procedures to web methods using the FOR SOAP clause.

Using SOAP Endpoints:

Clients can invoke SOAP Endpoints by sending SOAP requests over HTTP to the specified endpoint URL (http://<server>/<path>).

SOAP requests typically include a SOAP envelope containing the name of the web method to invoke and any input parameters for the stored procedure.

Security Considerations:

SOAP Endpoints expose SQL Server functionality over the network, so security is a critical consideration.

SQL Server provides authentication and encryption options for securing SOAP Endpoints, including Integrated Windows Authentication, Basic Authentication, and SSL/TLS encryption.

SOAP Endpoints provide a mechanism for integrating SQL Server with external applications or services using standard web services protocols. They enable interoperability and facilitate communication between SQL Server and other platforms or technologies.

TCP/IP Endpoints

These provide network communication using the TCP protocol, a foundational endpoint type for direct access.

Each of these endpoint types plays a crucial role in different aspects of SQL Server’s connectivity and interaction landscape.

Configuration and Management of Endpoints

Now that we know the various types of SQL Server Endpoints, the next step is understanding how to configure and manage them.

Use Cases and Best Practices

Understanding when and how to use endpoints is critical. Let’s explore the most common use cases and best practices for working with SQL Server endpoints.

Data Access and Communication

Endpoints are vital for enabling communication with databases over a network. They help in deploying application services and ensuring proper data access across different platforms.

Integration with External Systems

Endpoints pave the way for SQL Server to tightly integrate with a variety of external systems and services, providing seamless interoperability and data exchange.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Certain endpoint types, such as mirroring endpoints, play a pivotal role in high availability and disaster recovery strategies by maintaining redundant databases that can be quickly brought online in the event of a failure.

Security Considerations

Endpoints act as the gateway to your databases, making security a foremost concern. Best practices include using strong authentication, implementing data encryption, and regularly reviewing access controls.

Performance Optimization

To ensure optimal system performance, it’s essential to understand the limitations of endpoints and adjust configuration settings, such as buffer sizes and connection limits, according to your workload and networking environment.

SQL Server endpoints are a powerful feature that underpins the connectivity and data exchange capabilities of the SQL Server engine. By mastering their creation, configuration, and management, you can enhance the functionality, security, and performance of your database environment. Whether you’re building a new application, integrating with an external service, or securing your database network, endpoints offer versatility and control.

As you continue to navigate the ever-evolving world of SQL Server, remember that endpoints are just one component of a broader ecosystem. Keep learning, stay updated on best practices, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different endpoint types to find the ideal setup for your unique deployment. With this foundational knowledge at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to harness the full potential of SQL Server endpoints and, in turn, elevate your data management capabilities.

Additional Info

Securing End Points

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