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The SQL Not Equal To (!=) Operator

For those who are just beginning their journey into the database world, or for the seasoned data analysts who need a refresher, understanding SQL operators is fundamental. Among the many operators in SQL, the “not equal to” operator, often represented as `!=`, `<>`, or `NOT`, is a significant one. This operator plays a crucial role in data filtering and comparison. If you’re wondering how to use the SQL Not Equal To in your projects, this guide is tailored just for you.

The Power of the Not Equal Operator

In SQL, the “not equal” operator is used to retrieve data that does not match a specific condition. For example, you might want to exclude rows that contain a certain value from your query results. This can be done efficiently with the `!=` and `<>` operators. To work through how to use this operator effectively, we’ll explore examples of its implementation and best practices to ensure your queries are accurate and fast.

Data Filtering with Not Equal

Imagine you have a table ’employees’ and you want a list of employees who are not managers. Your SQL query might look like this:

Filtering data using the “not equal” condition in T-SQL is straightforward. You can use the <> operator or the NOT operator combined with the = operator to achieve this. Let’s illustrate with examples:

Example 1: Using the <> Operator

FROM employees
WHERE department <> 'IT';

This query retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘IT’.

Example 2: Using the NOT Operator

FROM employees
WHERE NOT department = 'HR';

This query also retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘HR’, but it uses the NOT operator combined with the = operator.

Example 3: Filtering with Numeric Values

FROM employees
WHERE age <> 30;

This query retrieves all employees whose age is not equal to 30.

Example 4: Filtering with NULL Values

FROM employees
WHERE department <> 'IT' OR department IS NULL;

This query retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘IT’ or where the department is NULL. It demonstrates filtering with NULL values.

Example 5: Filtering with Joins

FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN departments d ON e.department_id =
WHERE <> 'Finance' OR IS NULL;

This query retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘Finance’ or where the department is NULL, demonstrating the use of the <> operator in a join condition.

These examples demonstrate various ways to filter data using the “not equal” condition in T-SQL.

This query retrieves all columns for rows where the job title isn’t ‘Manager’. The `!=` operator ensures that only rows with titles different from ‘Manager’ are returned.

Using <> for More Visual Clarity

Another way to express “not equal to” is using the `<>` operator. It achieves the same result but may enhance the visual clarity of your condition in certain contexts. For instance:

`Certainly! The <> operator in T-SQL is used to filter data where a column is not equal to a specified value. It provides a clear and concise way to express the condition of inequality. Let’s illustrate its usage with examples:

Example 1: Filtering String Values

FROM employees
WHERE department <> 'IT';

This query retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘IT’.

Example 2: Filtering Numeric Values

FROM products
WHERE price <> 100.00;

This query retrieves all products whose price is not equal to $100.00.

This query selects all columns for employees not in the HR department, clearly stating the intention to exclude a specific value from the result set.

Best Practices for Using the Not Equal Operator

In T-SQL, both the != and <> operators are used to represent “not equal” conditions, providing flexibility in expressing the condition of inequality. Let’s see how they can be used with examples:

Example 1: Using != Operator

FROM employees
WHERE department != 'IT';

This query retrieves all employees whose department is not equal to ‘IT’, using the != operator.

Example 2: Using <> Operator

FROM products
WHERE price <> 100.00;

This query retrieves all products whose price is not equal to $100.00, using the <> operator.

Both operators functionally achieve the same result in T-SQL, providing flexibility for developers to use whichever notation they find more intuitive or preferable.

Choose a Style and Stick With It

Consistency is key in programming. If you decide to use one form of the not equal operator, ensure that you stick to it across all your SQL queries. This can prevent confusion and make your code more maintainable.

Account for NULL Values

In SQL, including T-SQL, NULL is not equal to anything, even another NULL. This is because NULL represents an unknown value, and comparing two unknown values for equality doesn’t make sense. Therefore, both NULL != NULL and NULL = NULL will return UNKNOWN rather than TRUE or FALSE.

Here’s how you can demonstrate this in T-SQL:

        WHEN NULL != NULL THEN 'Not Equal'
        ELSE 'Equal or Unknown'
    END AS Result;

The result of this query will be ‘Equal or Unknown’.

In SQL, to check for the presence of a NULL value, you use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators instead of equality or inequality comparisons. For example:

        WHEN some_column IS NULL THEN 'Value is NULL'
        ELSE 'Value is not NULL'
    END AS Result;

This query will correctly identify whether some_column contains a NULL value or not.

Advanced Techniques with Not Equal

Beyond its traditional usage, the not equal operator can be combined with other SQL functions and clauses to unlock even more powerful capabilities.

Complex Conditions with NOT

Complex conditions in T-SQL often involve combinations of logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT. Let’s explore some examples:

Example 1: Using NOT with AND

FROM employees
WHERE NOT (department = 'IT' AND salary > 60000.00);

This query retrieves all employees who are not in the IT department and do not have a salary greater than $60,000.

Example 2: Using NOT with OR

FROM employees
WHERE NOT (department = 'Finance' OR department = 'HR');

This query retrieves all employees who are not in the Finance or HR departments.

Example 3: Using NOT with Complex Conditions

FROM products
WHERE NOT (category = 'Electronics' AND (price > 1000.00 OR quantity < 10));

This query retrieves all products that are not in the Electronics category and do not have a price greater than $1000.00 or a quantity less than 10.

Example 4: Using NOT with IN

FROM orders
WHERE NOT customer_id IN (SELECT id FROM customers WHERE region = 'North America');

This query retrieves all orders that are not associated with customers from the North America region.

In each example, the NOT operator is used to negate the result of the logical expression it precedes, allowing for the creation of more complex filtering conditions.


The NOT EXISTS operator in SQL is used to test for the existence of rows in a subquery. It returns true if the subquery returns no rows, otherwise, it returns false. Let’s look at some examples:

Example 1: Finding Employees Without Sales

Suppose we want to find employees who have not made any sales in the sales table.

FROM employees e
    SELECT 1
    FROM sales s
    WHERE s.employee_id =

This query retrieves all employees from the employees table for whom there are no corresponding records in the sales table.

Example 2: Finding Customers Without Orders

Suppose we want to find customers who have not placed any orders in the orders table.

FROM customers c
    SELECT 1
    FROM orders o
    WHERE o.customer_id =

This query retrieves all customers from the customers table for whom there are no corresponding records in the orders table.

Example 3: Finding Products Without Reviews

Suppose we want to find products that have not received any reviews in the reviews table.

FROM products p
    SELECT 1
    FROM reviews r
    WHERE r.product_id =

This query retrieves all products from the products table for which there are no corresponding records in the reviews table.

NOT EXISTS is particularly useful for cases where you need to test for the absence of related records in a subquery.

This query retrieves all customers who have no associated orders, thus using the not equal concept to find those with an absence of matching records.

FAQs about Not Equal in SQL

Let’s address some common questions about using the not equal to operator in SQL.

Can I Use != and <> Interchangeably?

Yes, in most SQL databases, `!=` and `<>` are interchangeable as “not equal” operators. However, it’s essential to check the requirements of your specific database.

Is there a Performance Difference Between!= and <>?

There is typically no performance difference between `!=` and `<>` since they both serve the same purpose. The performance of a query depends more on the table design, indexing, and the database’s execution plan for that query.

How to Handle Case Sensitivity with Not Equals?

The case sensitivity of the not equal operator depends on the database collation settings. Some databases use a case-insensitive comparison by default, while others may require the use of a `COLLATE` clause.


Mastering the not equal to operator in SQL opens up a world of possibilities for data selection and comparison. Whether you are filtering datasets or creating conditional logic, understanding how to use `!=`, `<>`, and `NOT` will make your SQL queries more efficient and effective. As you become more comfortable with this operator, you’ll be able to leverage it in increasingly sophisticated ways, adding a powerful tool to your data manipulation arsenal. While this guide provides a strong foundation, practice and experimentation are key to fully integrating this concept into your SQL programming skill set.




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