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SQL ISNULL Function Examples

Unlocking the Power of SQL ISNULL Function: A Developer’s Guide

For SQL developers, mastering the nuances of functions can significantly bolster your ability to manipulate data effectively. One of the most integral functions in any database professional’s toolkit is the ISNULL function. This SQL command is crafted specifically for handling NULL values – a perennial source of complexity and errors. Let’s dive deep into ISNULL, understand its syntax, and explore its practical applications, ensuring you have a robust understanding to wield this function with proficiency.

ISNULL in SQL: Understanding its Core Functionality

The ISNULL function in SQL is employed to replace NULL with a specified replacement value. It is available in various relational database management systems (RDBMS) such as Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle, albeit sometimes under different names or slightly different syntax.


ISNULL(expression, replacement_value) 

expression: The value to be evaluated. This can be a column name, variable, or any valid SQL expression.

replacement_value: The value to return if the expression is NULL.

In the above example, ISNULL replaces any NULL values found in ‘column2’ with ‘N/A.’ If ‘column2’ has a NULL, the result of this query will display ‘N/A’ instead of NULL.

How to Verify Whether a Value is NULL in SQL

To verify whether a value is NULL in SQL, you can use the IS NULL comparison operator within a WHERE clause or in conditional expressions. Here’s how to do it:

Using IS NULL in WHERE Clause:

You can use the IS NULL operator to filter rows where a specific column contains NULL values.

FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NULL;

This query selects all rows from table_name where the column_name contains NULL values.

Using IS NULL in Conditional Expressions:

You can also use IS NULL in conditional expressions to check whether a value is NULL within a larger expression.

IF column_name IS NULL
    PRINT 'Value is NULL';
    PRINT 'Value is not NULL';

This conditional statement checks whether the value of column_name is NULL and prints a an error message accordingly.


Suppose we have a table named employees with columns employee_id and salary. We want to find employees whose salary is the first non NULL value.

FROM employees

This query selects all rows from the employees table where the salary column contains NULL values.

In summary, you can use the IS NULL comparison operator in SQL to verify whether a value is NULL. It is commonly used within WHERE clauses or in conditional expressions to filter or check for NULL values.

This script selects all records where ‘column1’ is not NULL and contains ‘somevalue’ or where ‘column1’ is NULL and replaces one value in it with an empty string for comparison purposes.

IS NULL and NULL in Comparison: Making Sense of the Syntax

In SQL, IS NULL and NULL have different purposes and usage in comparison expressions. Let’s break down the syntax and provide examples for each:


Purpose: IS NULL is a comparison operator used to check whether a value is NULL.



expression IS NULL

Functionality: It evaluates to true if the expression evaluates to NULL; otherwise, it evaluates to false.


FROM employees

This query selects all rows from the employees table where the salary column contains NULL values.

NULL in Comparison:

Purpose: NULL is a keyword representing an unknown or missing value.


As a literal: NULL

In comparison expressions: expression = NULL or expression <> NULL

Functionality: When used in comparison expressions, it does not return true or false. Instead, it results in an unknown value, and comparisons with NULL using = or <> always result in an unknown outcome, even if the expression being compared to is also NULL.


FROM employees
WHERE salary = NULL;

This query does not return any rows, even if there are rows with NULL values in the salary column. This is because comparisons with NULL using = always result in an unknown outcome.


Function vs. Comparison: IS NULL is a comparison operator used to check for NULL values, while NULL is a keyword representing an unknown value.

Usage: IS NULL is used to check for NULL values in conditional expressions, while NULL is used in comparison expressions, but with certain limitations.

Outcome: IS NULL evaluates to true or false, while comparisons with NULL using = or <> result in an unknown outcome.

In summary, IS NULL is used to explicitly check for NULL values, while NULL in comparison expressions results in unknown outcomes and requires special handling.

Delineating NULL and IS NULL: Avoiding Common Misunderstandings

Understanding the distinction between NULL and IS NULL in SQL can help prevent common misunderstandings. Here’s a clear delineation:


Definition: NULL represents an unknown or missing value in SQL.


It can be assigned to columns where data is missing or unknown.

It is returned when there is no value available for a particular data point.


Comparisons involving NULL using the equality operator (=) or inequality operator (<>) result in an unknown outcome, even when comparing to another NULL value.


Definition: IS NULL is a comparison operator used to check whether a value is NULL.


It is used in conditional expressions to explicitly check whether a value is NULL.

It evaluates to true if the expression being evaluated is NULL, and false otherwise.


IS NULL provides a straightforward and unambiguous way to check for NULL values in SQL queries.

Common Misunderstandings:

Equality Comparison with NULL: Comparing a value to NULL using the equality operator (=) does not yield expected results. It results in an unknown outcome, even when both values being compared are NULL.

IS NULL vs. = NULL: Using IS NULL is the correct way to check for NULL values. Using = with NULL does not produce the desired outcome.


Suppose we have a table named employees with a column salary, where some values with specified value are NULL. If we want to find employees with a NULL salary we write:

FROM employees
WHERE salary IS NULL; 

This query explicitly checks whether the salary column is NULL using the IS NULL operator, providing a clear and accurate way to filter for NULL values.

In summary, understanding the distinction between NULL and IS NULL helps in writing SQL queries that accurately handle missing parameters or unknown other data types and avoid common pitfalls associated with comparisons involving NULL values.

Ensuring Your SQL Query Handles Empty or NULL Results Efficiently

Ensuring that your SQL query handles empty or NULL results efficiently is crucial for obtaining accurate and meaningful data. Here’s how to achieve this with examples:

Handling NULL Values:

Use the COALESCE() function or ISNULL() function to replace NULL values with a default value or handle them appropriately.

Example 1: Replace NULL values with a default value.

SELECT column1, COALESCE(column2, 'N/A') AS column2
FROM table_name; 

Example 2: Filter rows with NULL values.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name

Handling Empty Results:

Use conditional logic or aggregation functions to handle cases where no rows are returned by the query.

Example 3: Use conditional logic to handle empty results.

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table_name)
    SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name;
    PRINT 'No data found';

Example 4: Use aggregation functions to return a default value when no rows are returned.

SELECT COALESCE(SUM(column1), 0) AS total_column1
FROM table_name; 

Ensuring Efficiency:

Optimize your query by using appropriate indexing, limiting the number of rows returned, and minimizing unnecessary computations.

Example 5: Use indexing to improve query performance.

CREATE INDEX idx_column1 ON table_name (column1); 

Example 6: Limit the number of rows returned, especially when querying large datasets.

SELECT TOP 10 column1, column2
FROM table_name; 

Example 7: Minimize unnecessary computations by filtering rows early in the query execution process.

SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name
WHERE column1 > 100; 

By incorporating these strategies into your SQL queries, you can ensure that your queries handle empty or NULL results efficiently, providing accurate and meaningful data to your users or applications.

In this example, a LEFT JOIN preserves the records of the first table even if there’s no match in the second table, filling the unmatched fields with NULL.

The Negation of NULL: IS NOT NULL in SQL

In SQL, the IS NOT NULL operator is used to check if a value is not NULL. Here’s how it works along with examples following example below:

IS NOT NULL Operator:

Purpose: IS NOT NULL is a comparison operator used to check whether a value is not NULL.


expression IS NOT NULL

Functionality: It evaluates to true if the expression evaluates to a non-NULL value; otherwise, it evaluates to false.


Suppose we have a table named employees with a column named salary. We want to find employees whose salary is not NULL.

FROM employees

In this example, the IS NOT NULL operator filters rows where the salary column contains non-NULL values.

Use Cases:

Checking for Non-NULL Values: Use IS NOT NULL to filter rows where a specific column contains non-NULL values.

Ensuring Data Completeness: Use IS NOT NULL to ensure that required fields have been populated with data.

Example with Conditional Logic:

You will note you can also use IS NOT NULL in conditional logic to handle cases where a value is not NULL.

IF column_name IS NOT NULL
    PRINT 'Value is not NULL';
    PRINT 'Value is NULL'; 

This conditional statement checks whether the value of column_name is not NULL and prints a message accordingly.


IS NOT NULL is used to check if a value is not NULL.

It’s useful for filtering rows where a specific column contains non-NULL values.

Incorporating IS NOT NULL into conditional logic helps ensure data completeness and accurate handling of NULL values in SQL queries.

This query will return all records where ‘column1’ is not NULL and ‘column2’ contains ‘somevalue.’

ISNULL Function: Best Practices

When using the ISNULL function in SQL, there are several best practices and performance-tuning considerations to keep in mind:

Best Practices:

Use ISNULL for Clarity: Use ISNULL when you want to explicitly replace NULL values with a specific value. It improves the readability of your SQL code.

Consider COALESCE for Multiple Values: If you need to handle multiple NULL values, consider using the COALESCE function, which can handle multiple expressions in a single call.

Handle Data Correctly: Ensure that the replacement value in ISNULL is of the same data type as the original expression to avoid data type conversion issues.


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